Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Harry video

A while back I thought of doing a web cast of a large drawing then thought "at the rate you work people would fall asleep"! So a time lapse video was the next obvious choice. My nephew wanted a drawing of Harry Potter for his birthday so I thought two birds one stone. The following video was recorded over a five day period. You'll notice the T-shirt changes. Hope y'all enjoy.


As always you can get me at

Thanks Mike.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hardly Potter.

I did this drawing without actually seeing a potter movie. I was swept away in a tsunami of hype. I had decided to do something else but no matter how hard I tried Mr. Potter kept creeping into my head.
Enough from me for now. Hope y'all enjoy the final movie.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mr Eastwood

As much as I like sketching this one nearly broke me. 30 hours of work and at times it felt like no end in sight.
I enjoyed it so much I've considered doing a limited run of prints. 30 A4 and 30 A5. All prints will be accompanied with a certificate highlighting the print number.
If anyone is interested I'm available at the email address listed below.

Kind regards


Any requests or suggestions are welcome.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

At the end of the day......

My longest piece yet. I think it took about 16 hours in total. Worth it all the same.

Roy Keane.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Joey from friends.

I was asked to do this one by my best mate Ken. Being an enthusiastic biker (scars and broken bones to prove it) it was obvious what he'd pick as a subject. It's not finished but close enough. The finished article? Well that's just for Ken.


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Friday, April 8, 2011

The Kelly Connection.

I was contacted by a lovely couple on twitter and asked "if it's not too much trouble could you sketch our two kids"?

I said yes without a second thought.

Emails exchanged, photos received, away I went.

If you have ever tried your hand at anything artistic be it painting, poetry, photography or sketching you'll know the click moment.
The moment when adding will only remove from the piece.

The click moment was loud and clear with these two.

I would like to thank CiarĂ¡n and Hilary for their trust and hope they enjoy the finished work.



As always I can be reached at mike.campion@ymail.com

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

The old man.

Lost for a bit inspiration I downloaded a picture from the net. At least I think I was a picture. If it was a drawing then hats off to the artist he's/she's a better one than me.

I really enjoyed doing this. So full of life.......

By the way this is incomplete.

Any requests. You can get me at

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

On the double D

While chatting one night to a pal on twitter I came up with an idea for a sketch. The pal in question has a thing for the American super hero Dare Devil. The plan was hatched and away I went. Downloaded a picture off the net and spent two evenings sketching away. Truly enjoyed it.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How it all started

Summer 2008 and we have visitors over. We're all out in the garden watching Carmel and Ray's son Joe happily playing in the sun so I grab the camera to get some snaps. One picture in particular came out quite well.

Some months later I decided to do something I hadn't done since I was in school, sketch it. After getting all the materials together I gave it a go. This is the result.

To this day it's my favourite. Joe by the way is a special boy with special needs and has a special place in my heart.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Slash cover

Some time ago a friend approached me and ask would I do a sketch of his grand daughter.
Of course I said yes. It was an honour in fact. Little did I know the picture in question already appeared on the cover of a slash solo album I'm told.

I'm sorry for the standard of the photo, it was some time ago.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The last act.

So that's it finished. So what next? I've no idea yet but I am open to suggestions. Just send me a tweet with an idea. @mike_campion

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Part 4

Just one more after this. Promise.

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Part 3

Nearly there. In total this picture took about 2 hours.

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Part 2

At a loss for subject matter I turned to a friend for inspiration. Her suggestion was Tom Cruise.
Our friendship nearly ended there and then.
We compromised on Brad Pitt.

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I rarely get to finish some of the stuff I start. I always seem to get side tracked. This usually means at any given time I have a stack of half done hair brained ideas.

For once I actually finished something and in one sitting. Which is quite the achievement for me.

I did take step by step....ish photos of the work. I've decided to post them one by one.

Hope y'all like.


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